Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas Gathering

Tracee very kindly invited myself and Carleen to join the City Girls and the Gisborne Girls for a sit and sew and Xmas lunch yesterday. We had two games, much laughter and a Kris Kringle.
Elyte and Annie unwrapping and dice throwing during the first game
Maxine and Tracee watching
Carleen, Anne, Robyn and Elyte
Marina and over the back Julie by Tracee
Maxine putting on her special Xmas glasses
Our second game, wrapping a parcel using one hand each

It was not easy keeping one hand behind  your back!

Margaret stepped in to hold the spare hands!! 🤣
We had a lot of laughs during this, the first game was unwrapping a present while wearing oven gloves while the next  person tried to throw a 6 on a dice.
That was very funny to watch too.
Tracee's beautiful tree.
Here are the Kris Kringle swaps

And the all important group photo! Such a wonderful group of women.
Happy stitching.  😊 


  1. Looks like great fun and some imaginative tree decorations too. xx

  2. Looks like you all had lots of festive fun and laughter. Beautiful crafting as usual....

  3. What a fun day. Happy Christmas to you and all the stitching girls.

  4. It sounds like you all had a lot of fun. A great way to conclude the year.

  5. Such a fun time! Love all the gifts, each unique.

  6. It looks like you had a great time! Such fun games and gorgeous gifts. How lovely that you were invited along :-)

  7. It looks like you had so much fun. It would have been a great job

  8. What a fun time you had, some very innovative games to play too

  9. Fun filled Christmas GTG and lots of great gifts.
    Love the group photo.


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