Friday, December 8, 2023

A Finish

 The Aussie Hero quilt was finished this morning and has gone in the post, I hope it gets to Germany before the recipient comes home

The request was for the German flag colours, plane silhouette, and the eagle, plus his dates for being away - it is a bright one!!
It is a very hot day here for us, 34 deg C, I am waiting for the rain to come 😞 then maybe it will be more comfortable.
On my way home from the PO today I collected the dogs so they could come for a visit
Tira wants to sit outside and when she is outside wants to come in!!

Hank has found the toy box so he is happy!
We had a challenge at Guild last month , we were given fabric to make a table mat
I added the green fabric to get the mat wide enough and added a zip pocket as Jo does, didn't do it as well as Jo does but it still works. I have been searching for some Xmas earrings or something to add to the zip pull, the berries/bells I have are too small - I will continue searching.
I am off to the other toom now to enjoy the cool of the air conditioning.
Happy stitching.


  1. Great job on that quilt working with those colours. I works really well. xx

  2. The table mat is a great idea. The doggies are so cute long as you're not the constant door opener lol

  3. I’m sure the quilt will suit the recipient very well. I think everything is about keeping cool at the moment. Enjoy the air con.

  4. Great Aussie Hero finish .
    Both dogs will enjoy there visit at your place.
    You made a nice useful gift from your FQ.

  5. The Aussie hero quilt looks wonderful Sue - yes very bright! If you check out the Variety Stores ($2) they usually have a good range of christmas earings in there - I got some last year. The project bag/table mat loosk great!

  6. Keep cool.... I love that the dogs have a toy box at your place!! haha.... well done with the quilt...

  7. Great quilt finish and nice table mat! The dogs are like children!

  8. Great AH quilt as usual. You did well with the placemat


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