Saturday, June 29, 2024

Back from holidays - photo heavy

 We have spent the last 10 days at Coolum Beach in Qld, a very nice change from the cold weather we had been having here at home. 

Our first afternoon/evening we had a walk along the beach

There were beautiful colours in the sky and on the beach as the sun went down

and the moon appeared

We had a lovely dinner at the Surf Club to cap off a very pleasant although tiring  day.
The next morning saw an 8.30 beach walk

Lots of people were out walking

This group of people had been swimming

Later in the day we met some friends from Perigian Springs and Sue and I went to find an Adventure Lab

One answer we needed was by the water tower, the views were wonderful

then we went down to the beach, I had an unsuccessful attempt at finding a cache and hot my feet full of thorns - note to self no stomping around in the bush in bare feet!

I did manage to find this cache after standing under it for a while 😀

View as we left this part of the beach.
another late afternoon/evening walk along the boardwalk above the beach at Coolum.

It was very peaceful watching the waves roll in.
After a rest day Sue and I were off following Adventure Labs again, this was at a war memorial at Buderim

This was one of the original houses in the town, closed when we were there sadly but it has been well looked after

Then we went on to the Maroochydore Botanic Gardens - more of a native gardens

with interesting sculptures

this was in the sculpture garden area

as was this snake sculpture

it was a beautiful pace to wander around in, so many beautiful trees

I didn't take photos of every sculpture although it was tempting!

I liked this little guy

and this area was beautiful, so peaceful

this gate was something we needed to find to answer a question in the Adventure Lab there.
Are you still awake and with me?
I think I had better stop there for now
Happy stitching.


  1. I't is a lovely place, we went there as kids and there was nothing but a swimming pool and a couple of cafes. Very different now

  2. Great pictures Sue, lovely scenery. I do like the sculptures, especially the first one. xx

  3. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time, Sue. Your photos are great - beautiful scenery and interesting places to geocache/ad lab :-)

  4. Excellent thank you. I can't see enough of the beach by the sea -
    deserted and natural - how beautiful.
    Great trip.
    Come home safely with beautiful experiences and pictures in your head and camera.
    Thanks and greetings come to you from Viola

  5. I am curious about "Sue and I". Did you go with another Sue or did your sweetheart write the post?
    Beautiful photos of the beach. The adventure activity sounds like a blast, and you are still out geocaching.

  6. how lovely... great area... we are going to be around there in a couple of weeks staying with friends! We really ought to time our holidays together!!!! haha


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