Sunday, June 30, 2024

More holiday photos

 From the Botanic gardens we continued on to Eudlo

I spotted this fern in the park

and loved this bonsai tree, maybe a frangipani?
From here we went to Palmwoods
the pub on the corner

we had lunch in a converted garage which is now and American themed diner - the garage was the original one in the town - lunch was loaded chips, something I had not had before - it was much enjoyed!!!

this notice told us the history of the building and the current owners - it was available on a T-shirt but I wasn't prepared to pay $55 to advertise their business!! The Morris 8 mentioned on the sign was in the restaurant on the second outdoor level.
We moved on to Woombye to do an Ad Lab there and learned about the history of the town, we couldn't complete this one as a sign at the church was missing, we are still wondering who lived to 103 years of age?? Not even google has helped me!!
We had a rest day which turned out to be a rainy day, we still walked the board walk

and enjoyed the views
The next day was fine and sunny, Sue and I completed part of an Ad Lab I had started

Stumers Creek, the local dog walking beach, there were many happy dogs here with their owners

then we went to the David Low lookout

wonderful views both ways, between the houses

this one makes me think of Greece

this was part of the sign at Mt Coolum, the question we had to answer was the welcome in Aboriginal, it took us ages to work out the letters!!

then we went to Beewah - these amazing lights were along the main street

and this machine was from a drawing of a local years ago who always got his pineapple crop to market earlier than everyone else - no one could work out how he did it, This machine was supposed to be a pineapple picker (one of his drawings). The man vanished in 1957 without a trace and has never been seen or heard of since! There are theories that he came from outer space 😶 and so much have gone back there.

more lights

loved these ferns up in the trees

I think this was a light, I am not sure.

Then we went to Montville, a lovely town we did an Ad Lab and then had lunch at the Waffle shop
a gluten free waffle with apple, sultanas, cinnamon and cream! Yum!!
Time for a little break I think,
Happy stitching.


  1. looks like a wonderful trip and so much loveliness to see. I particularly love those ferns-they love the queensland weather.
    I am jealous of your being in warmer weather. I'm already over the winter coldness .

  2. I'm loving the travels. Thank you for taking us with you.

  3. You do get about! That day off must have been much needed. The War of the Worlds springs to mind and I find that hand a bit creepy. xx

  4. What a great trip! It looks like you had a wonderful time.

  5. The last comment was from Pamela.


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