Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chook shed challenge

 Another month is on us and it is July already!!

My #1 has been completed so instead I am going to try and make some headway on using up scraps I have been given
Well this is upside down, but you get the idea, a heap of 2 and a half inch squares, a heap of 5 inch squares and some at 4 and a half.....hope to have the bags emptied by the end of the month.
Also by the end of the month I need to finish a mosaic pole for the garden at the Drysdale Seniors building - the quilters were asked if we were interested in helping with a community project, making these poles to go into the garden. I finished mine, or so I thought, went back after the holidays to start the grouting only to be told mine was too dangerous to go into the garden as some of the glass chips I used had sharp edges. I was miffed as I had asked about using the chips and was told yes go ahead. So I brought my pole home and on Monday scraped all the chips off, today I have sandpapered it and another day I will stick on more chips that are user friendly, and complete the grouting.
I have been told I also need to find a top for the pole to seal it off, maybe a plate from a microwave as it is heavy glass and safer!! So I will go explore one of the Drysdale op shops next week.
I am off to sew little squares together after I have made a cuppa.
Happy stitching.


  1. How annoying - this quilt looks so great. How good that you are creative and still make it usable...
    I'm a bit jealous of your wonderful squares... haha ​​I'll come and sew with you :-))))
    Lots of love to you and lots of fun with the sewing machine... hug from Viola

  2. Have fun sewing all your scrappy squares…
    What a pain have to strip all the glass chips off the pole….Maria , lifeontheblock block.

  3. That is annoying about the pole Sue as I know what alot of work you would've already put into it. But its looking great so far! Good luck with sorting out those tiny squares. xx

  4. You are going to be kept busy with all those squares. Very annoying about the glass chips.

  5. Oh I like the pole idea. Might be something the residents in my work place could make themselves.

  6. Little squares... well I have a few more of those than I friggin well want now! A couple of boo boos while cutting out 2.5 X 10 inch strips... lol. I've never done a mosaic Pole... sounds like fun.


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