Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Final holiday photos

An afternoon walk along the board walk and for 1km past it to answer more Ad Lab questions at Coolum

Lots of bays and little beaches

Lovely trees

poems about trees

the walking track I followed - the sign is a bit weather damaged I think

great views

the sky when I got back.
Back to Mooloolabar the next day to do another two Ad Labs

the memorial to HMAS Brisbane, the ship is sunk off an island up the coast and is used for diving.

looking out to sea

a memorial to military dogs who were killed on active service

a memorial to fishermen - there was another one I didn't take a photo of, it was a memorial to a Russian explorer who rowed from South America unassisted and landed on the Sunshine Coast. Amazing feat.

views walking around the headland on the other side of the canal

looking back at Mooloolabar

the water tower at Point Cartwright

I loved the whale reflection in the bubble in the clam shell

the Woolemi pines are symbolic of this area and were included in the painting, along with turtles, whales and the osprey and other fish

view of the beach from the water tower
and so our holiday came to a finish the next day
the hire car was returned to the airport

and off we flew - there was a lot of cloud so this was the view of the coast line I saw once we were up quite a way.
A little sewing happened while we were away, not a lot but every little bit helps
some bits for a new project

and some stars of a much neglected project, that had been in a tin ignored for a very long time!!
I had planned to sew on the way home but found a book in the airport so read this
which I enjoyed very much.
Have a wonderful week.



  1. More great views and lovely statues. Nice to get a little stitching done and I enjoyed both thse Litte Coffee shop books - great reads but also very enlightening. xx

  2. Such pretty pictures! Looks like a wonderful holiday!

  3. Lovely pics. Thanks for taking us along with you. And thanks for the heads up on another book to read. I can even get it as an audiobook from my library.


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