Monday, September 30, 2024

End of the month

 And challenge #7, the quilt top is finished. Yippee!! I did have a few hiccups on the way (again)

something looked wrong here ๐Ÿ˜
Mmmmm another woopsie
Phew, many hours later!!!

the quilt top is finally finished - this is based on the Daylesford Quilt pattern by Jen Kingwell.
We had some visitors to the garden, first time since we have lived here, the cockatoos came and were munching on the wisteria - they picked flowers had one bite and threw the rest on the ground!!
I do love to see them in the garden but not when they eat the flowers I like to have around. I went and told them off, they flew up onto the roof and clumped around up there for a while and then flew away.

Yesterday I went to Torquay to do some geocaching, it was raining and cool when I left but as the day went on it fined up and warmed up
coastal view near Bells Beach

Limestone being slowly worn away by the sea

Looking over Torquay, the rain heading to Melbourne

Bells Beach - a huge surf carnival is held here  around Easter, Sunday things were quiet.
I had better be off and get some dinner.
Happy stitching.

1 comment:

  1. Great quilt top finish! Your coastal pictures are gorgeous.


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