Friday, October 4, 2024

Challenge for October

 This is the last one on the list - I have changed the list a bit as things were done, but this month is Finn's floor quilt.

I got this panel from Tracee at Hummingbird quilting in Gisborne, Finn loves the birds and animals

starting to sandwich on the back deck when we had a fine day this week
this panel is about 3 metres long, so it takes a bit of wrangling under the machine.
I have started on the quilting
I have outlined some animals and birds and outlined feathers for a bit of texture
the images are beautiful.
Today I planned to get lots done but the quilt has not gone near the machine, I dropped of quilts for the local group exhibition at the end of the month, came home and then went to help Beth with Finn for a while, came home to find 2 metres of mulch delivered so after a quick lunch went out to spread. A friend of Davids came to help, David filled the wheel barrow, his friend delivered it to the garden and I spread. I have several muscles that are complaining this evening!! Later this afternoon, once I had cleaned up and cooled down, I had a very becoming bright red face, I went back over to play with Finn for a few hours - a storm came over with lightning and thunder, but we also had a double beautiful rainbow - Finn kept me busy walking to different windows to see the bow!!
Tonight I am too tired to do any sewing, might go and soak in the bath! 
Tomorrow hopefully will be a sewing day!
Happy stitching.


  1. What a lovely project for Finn! The bird and animal panel sounds perfect, and your quilting with outlined details will make it even more special. It like a very full day between helping out, spreading mulch, and spending time with Finn—hopefully tomorrow brings more sewing time!
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  2. Gorgeous panel and Finn will love it.
    Plenty of time to work on it later when there’s other fun things to do !
    Maria lifeontheblock

  3. What a great panel for a child’s floor quilt! He will enjoy it. A soak in the bubble bath will make you feel better.

  4. That panel is gorgeous...happy quilting! Prefer sewing to all that gardening stuff...LOL

  5. That panel is amazing! Finn will love it. I feel like it should be hanging on a wall in a classroom!

  6. What a fabulous panel. Hope the muscles are feeling better today.

  7. The panel you are quilting is so beautiful Sue & I think Finn will just so enjoy looking at all the animals on it - I can just see his little face now when he sees it for the first time - how special. Yes I know about all those mulch-moving sore muscles - a soak in the bath sounds perfect Sue. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. xx

  8. My, what a busy day. No wonder you had no time to sew. The panel is stunning. He will absolutely love it.


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