Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Last weekend

 I went by train to Warrnambool, that meant an early morning for me as I had to get the train at South Geelong at 8.13, change at Waurn Ponds and then head to Warrnambool. I managed to sleep most of the train ride there. When I arrived I was distracted by a large number of hot rods and classic card driving past the station, I wandered up the main street and then realised I was right where an Adventure Lab started so decided to do that straight away.

A lane way I passed

I really enjoyed the street art

this one too

view along the street to the War Memorial

Statues at the Art Gallery

Sammy the seal, Sammy used to follow the fishermen in to the wharf and enjoy being fed until the day a shark got him and sadly that was the end of Sammy.

This is called which way to the beach - featuring the penguins.
I then went to look at a shoe shop as you do and got a taxi to the quilt show.
The biennial Southern Right Creative Festival show is held at Brauer College. Once there I started looking around and saw a familiar face - Annette and her friends, so I said hello and had a chat for a while. Here are a few of the quilts I liked
Isn't this pretty?

The Daylesford Quilt by Jen Kingwell, I have seen a few of these, mine is waiting to be quilted.

Tea Towel Party, inspired by Racheldaisy's book. A collection of vintage koala themed tea towels, this reminded me of the tea towel challenge we had at Bellarine Quilters last year.

Really liked the secondary pattern in this one.

Always a sucker for hexies!!

This reminded me of the Churndash challenge from Chooky a while back.

part of the show view. There were about 200 quilts and shops all around the edge of the hall, some shopping was done as I had a Christmas voucher to spend!
a pattern and some beautiful bright fabric from These Clever Hands.
View from the train on the way home.
Right that is me done for now, I am off to Geelong soon so had better go and get ready,
Happy stitching.


  1. A lovely day out, even if it was a long one. Beautiful quilts and nice to catch up with friends

  2. Sammy is a cutie. Too bad a shark got him.
    Love the quilts!

  3. Gosh Sue - some amazing quilts there. I really love that tea towel one, I saw one at the quilt show last October & it was flour sacks. That street art you have photographed is wonderful - really pops right out at you. A lovely days outing Sue. xx

  4. Looks like a nice wee adventure. And then some pretty quilts to look at too. Great day out. Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a fabulous day you enjoyed, Sue. A lovely train ride through the countryside, walking around Warranbool and the piece resistance, a quilt show....or was it the shoe shop?? =) I'm a shoe tragic, too. Oh ...and a hexies quilt tragic, also.

  6. What a great day out. I love train journeys so that was a lovely start and the statues and street art were a fabulous find. Some beautiful quilts at the show - I love the hexie one with it's floral centre. xx

  7. A lovely day out with beautiful artworks of all kinds.

  8. A lovely day out with beautiful artworks of all kinds.

  9. What a fun day out... went to Warnambool a few times but I don't remember it much - saw whales off the coast there. that hexie quilt is stunning, especially knowing how much work is involved

  10. That was definitely worth the train ride. We’ve only ever driven through Warnambool. You’ve whet my appetite to explore that area. You shared some beautiful quilts. Such talent.

  11. Gees, the length you will go for a quilt show lol. Well worth the trip. Love those fabrics!!

  12. This looks so fun! I visited Melbourne years ago and visited the Twelve Apostles, now I'm wishing we would have continued a little further to visit Warrnambool. It looks like a place I would love to visit with all of the art and the history. Hopefully, I can take some time off in the near future to be able to visit again. Thank you so much for sharing!


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