Saturday, March 22, 2025

Fun day stitching

The Guild had a class in Kwandi taught by Irene Blanck today. Irene is a fun and informative teacher, we had a great day. We had to take along a backing piece with wadding onto and the edges sewn down (forgot a photo). We learned about the history of Kwandi and the people who traditionally make it. Kwandi is made by the Siddi people in India, they have an African history. They make their quilts from old clothes often with sari backings, with lots of quilting stitching. 
I don't know why this is upside down, but you get the idea!
This is where I finished for the day, lots to continue with at home, once other projects have been done.
Irene and Anne.
This is one of Irene's Kwandi quilts. I like the extra squares on some of the bigger blocks.
That is it for me for now, off for dinner
Happy stitching  🪡🧵.


  1. Nice and colourful. Looks difficult. But not for you of course 😁

  2. I’ve seen Kwandi making on YouTube, but never tried it. Your start looks great!

  3. The Kwandi quilting intrigues me. Jo does a lot of it and makes it look easy. A good take along thing it looks like

  4. A fun workshop Sue…. I’ve only made one Kawandi table runner and enjoyed stitching it.
    Maria lifeontheblock

  5. An interesting day learning a new technique.

  6. Looks like a fun class to do. Your kwandi looks good.

  7. Good to see you have had a good day

  8. You made good progress Sue. Fascinating to hear about the history I am sure. xx


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