Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Home day

Yesterday the Supervisor and I started out with a walk along the beach

I caught a photo of a little fairy wren, they are like ping pong balls bouncing around on the grass

this Willy Wagtail followed us on our walk for a while

Windy, but nice day for a walk

the wind was pushing the waves in

we found a patch of freesias growing wild, the perfume was beautiful. The local parks and foreshore man is trying to get rid of these as they are considered a weed. Someone must have dug them out of a garden and chucked them into the bush where they are spreading very happily.

heading home with a beautiful perfumed bouquet and one impatient supervisor! :-) 

I got into some  sewing in the afternoon and the thread on the machine kept breaking, eventually I worked out there was a series of knots! The machine did not like them at all. Neither did I!!

Some prep was done for the Doing the Rounds quilt

glue basting with a few pins on the edges

putting some bees on

I have free motioned around the bees and then made their trails the quilting, possibly not enough in some places but it is a wall quilt so should be ok. I have put facings on this one so need to hand sew them down plus add the hanging sleeve today. Then it will be ready to hang at the Rickie Tims talk next week.
Off to sit and sew with the St Leonard's girls this morning, our little group has grown to 10 as word is spreading and new ladies come to the area.
Happy stitching.


  1. What a delight to find freesias on your walk! A d the bees are a great idea! Have fun at Ricky’s.

  2. Looks like you had a great day. The little birds are so cute! Your bee quilt is fabulous!

  3. I love your bees Sue ... they look amazing. Gosh fancy finding fresias growing in the wild ... how wonderful! I would've picked a great big bunch too ... Mum used to have a whole garden full of those cream coloured ones, they smell amazing.

  4. Clever bee quilt! Wild Fresias smell the best I think.

  5. love your quilt..these blue wrens are soooo fast! I've been trying for weeks to get some photos of the ones in my freesias have lots growing in my garden too.

  6. These are the best bees I have ever seen. These bees will just buzz their way into all our hearts. Love the dark orange and deep blue background of the quilt. It will make a lovely finish!

  7. Beautiful flowers. I've always wanted to try that quilt. Good to hear your group is doing well.

  8. What a lovely wander....beautiful birdies to encounter. The freesias looked gorgeous. I do love your sweet bees and that lovely quilt. What a pain to have knots in your thread...glad it was sorted x

  9. 10 for your sit and sew sounds marvelous! I imagine a lot of show and tell and happy chatter! Another gorgeous place to walk. I love how close you are to the water for walks. The birds are so cute, too. Perfect little balls of chubby feathers.


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