Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday mayhem.

Today dawned bright and calm...I eased into the day with a cuppa and then the builders I headed off with Adam and Jen to walk the dogs...was lovely down the beach this morning. Soon after our return I headed off to the Bellarine Quilters sewing day and had a wonderful day.....I got some sewing done
..block number 8 on the CSSQ...only one more to go...that is exciting!!!

and this is the beginnings of a quilt.....a friend of Chookyblue...lives in Dungog...her blog is Jewells ...and she has asked for quilts to go to people in her town who lost things in the recent floods. She would like to give the 20 residents in the old peoples home a quilt each, as their rooms were flooded to the ceiling. You can read about it on her blog......anyway last time at the Bellarine group we were offered fabric someone no longer wanted so I grabbed the purple and the butterfly print...perfect for this project and sensational timing!!! Now I have to square it up and put a border on...have to see what fabric is left over.
This beautiful quilt was in for show and tell today....loved the fabric and quilting...

here is a scrap quilt in production....
no other show and tell that I caught up with...
Just for a change of pace, last Saturday we went in to the city to watch rugby with some friends....Melbourne Rebels vs Chiefs...of course I was cheering for the Chiefs as they come from near where I do....

sadly they lost by one point...but at least I spotted Sonny Bill Williams....I have to confess he had to be pointed out to me!!!! It was interesting to watch a game again as I hadn't seen one for ages.
Well had better head off now and get some dinner sorted...not much fun trying to cook in the cold shed, but hopefully not for much longer!
Happy sewing.


  1. Hi Susan ,so much happening for you at the moment well done with the quilt ,such a good cause,love the fabric,was the next meeting at Portarlington on the 18 th ? Xx

  2. can't wait to see your stars come together in a quilt, well done!
    great comfort quilt on the go too

  3. way to go..........another quilt for Jewells will be great.......

  4. Great work Sue! Glad you have had a nice day stitching x

  5. I love the bright, colorful fabrics you used in the top block! And the butterfly quilt is sure to brighten up the room of one of the older people who lost everything to that flood. It is so generous of you to give of your time and talent and will be much loved and appreciated.

  6. seems like the builders are not keeping you down xx well done x

  7. Looks like a productive day, Sue.

    1. The butterfly and scrappy quilts - just gorgeous Sue.

  8. Can't wait to see the CSSQ quilt put together and I love the picture of the supervisor up top!

  9. how fun to see the rugby ... a live game is always nice... I made a quilt with that Hello World fabric... it's just lovely and I left it in the big squares too...

  10. What a lovely quilt for a great cause and your star block looking great Susan

  11. Some lovely quilts there. I love that butterfly fabric.

  12. Very timely with the fabric -and eventual quilt - going to a good cause, it will be well loved I'm sure. Your block is stunning, I imagine the whole quilt will also be stunning! Good you got to the game, I guess it must be hard at times who to cheer for?!

  13. Everything is coming along nicely....just curious, how is your block of the month going?


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