Tuesday, May 12, 2015


has been a wet and cold one hasn't it??  The supervisor and I went for a walk after lunch when there appeared to be a large area of blue sky, but the gray clouds came rushing over as we were heading home and we got wet!!! But not to worry, we enjoyed the fresh (cold) air.
some unusual fungi we walked by...well the Supervisor did when he was off the lead...

was happy to follow him and see these wonderful things....

..had a little woops when I was sewing this afternoon.....had to do unsewing....couldn't really leave it that way!! Lol!!

DH decided to wash the bathroom window this afternoon (late) and managed to open the window so far it cannot be closed! Pretty good for the coldest night since we have been here!!!He has now put the door back on so that keeps some of the cold breeze out!!

Have finished four rows of chevrons.....have repurposed the island bench in the kitchen....makes a wonderful quilting bench...lol!!!

..have photos printed on fabric.....just have to wash them to get out the excess ink,....then figure out how to incorporate them into the quilt.....

..the Supervisor is relaxing as we speak...read that as snoring!!! Had a stressful day supervising!! Lol!! I am off to Gisborne tomorrow to catch up with the Gisborne girls...looking forward to that!
Happy sewing.


  1. Hi Sue is this quilt for one of your boys? lovely pics of the fungi ,lol poor David ,he did have good intentions. have fun with the girls tomorrow ,safe travels my friend and see you on Sat xx

  2. the fungi look cool..............goodluck with the window.............

  3. great progress on your chevron quilt. The photos are a great idea.
    Are they difficult to do?
    Poor tupai putting in such a long day.
    Enjoy your day in Gisborne tomorrow, dont forget to rug up!

  4. EnJoY your day with the girls... Say HI to them all from me...xox

  5. Brrrrr not the weather to not be able to close the window, have a great day out today..

  6. the 'sitting room' has moved?!

  7. It is going to be cold in Gisborne. Rug up and have a great day


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