Thursday, July 6, 2017

Bits and pieces

Yesterday was sit and sew at St Leonards, Jill has been working on a beautiful header for over her bed and it is nearly finished
Aren't the colours beautiful?
Mary was working on a cushion cover
we spent a while moving the flowers around and sorting the best look!! Kind of hard to do!!
I rode the bike back and forth yesterday, there was a cold wind but it was a beautiful morning.

Hee hee caught the supervisor before he could look away!!

I sandwiched the Spideyman quilt today

and the almost chevron quilt is sandwiched

I put together a backing

and put a border on this top

and now it is ready to be sandwiched, I think I might need some more pins as I have run out!! Some quilting needs to be done.
Happy sewing.


  1. A great line up of tops ready to quilt!
    You must've been quick to catch Tupai looking a the camera Lol
    Lovely projects being worked on at craft group.

  2. Jills quilt and cushion are beautiful! have a been a quilting machine............

  3. The 9 patch quilt looks so different with borders on. Great work

  4. Gorgeous quilts! Great photo of the supervisor!

  5. You are on a roll girl! So many quilts in such a short time.

  6. Oh my gosh it's like a sweat shop at your place!!!! lovely work .... I wonder if you quilted or got some more pins?


  7. Gorgeous work at St Leonards Sue :-) Well done onmaking such good progress on the quilts - enugh quiting there to keep you going for a while! Love that photo of the supervisor!

  8. Beautiful quilts love the colours, your 9 patch looks great as does the snap of the supervisor :)

  9. Beautiful work by the ladies. My goodness a lovely collection of quilts you have there too Sue....chuckling over the Supervisor! Lol!


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