Saturday, July 15, 2017


This morning I went into Colac to do some geocaching and to visit the quilt shop, and I didn't get bogged!!!!
It was cold at the Lake, but great to walk around. I went into town and found the quilt shop but didn't take any photos,  was too busy looking!!
Back at the retreat this was my  next project
This paper foundation block  is my  next challenge,  I will give the link to  the blog it comes from later

Sue is busy sewing her beautiful coloured squares

By 4.45 I had the Kingfisher finished!!
5pm was happy hour where we began to celcbrate Christmas in July,
There was lots of Christmas red and cheer !!

Dinner was served in the dining room, which had been beautifully decorated, we had a wonderful dinner of roast oork, turkey and potato with veges, followed by Xmas pud and custard for the others and a baked apple with currants for me.
Following that we watched LaLa Land in the in house cinema. Now I need some sleep so I have energy to sew tomorrow.
Happy sewing.


  1. I love your kingfisher! What fun....hope there was pudding x

  2. Love your foundation piecing. So vibrant. Lots of happy relaxed faces there.

  3. Love that Kingfisher block Sue..


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