Sunday, July 14, 2019

This week

has been an indoors week for me, lots of  reading has happened, although the to be read pile is still big!!
Half way down the pile!!

During the week four more Sisters joined the family

As did a shopping bag, much better than plastic.

Last night a little stitching happened on the Old Time Kaleidoscope block, to be honest I was avoiding the football!! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

Firday afternoon we had a really cold weather front come across, we had hail, rain, thunder and lightning, followed by sunshine and rainbow, then more of the same.

The back deck was covered in hail
As were parts of the garden. We do get hail here but it does not usually last on the ground long.
This morning I have cleaned the oven which was sadly overdue and is one of my least favourite jobs ๐Ÿ˜ท.
Now I am off to vacuum once hubby has had his nap and then off to the sewing room. Which I might add is reeling from shock as it was cleaned up yesterday ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
I went to take a photo but the mess on the desk doesn't look like I have done much so more to be done.
Better do it and not just talk about it!!
Happy Sunday.


  1. Perfect activities for wintery weather. It’s nasty and cold here too. Good luck in the sewing room. I’m trying to make a start on mine too. It looks no different, but there are some empty boxes and a little bit of donate or chuck stuff outside the room. Mine is a mammoth task, so I’m pleased to have at least made a little start. Oh, and I found another little stash of 30s fabrics I can use in Splendid Sampler 2. Bonus!

  2. Some good reading material there Sue. That sure was one hailstorm - we have had the crazy weather patterns too. Cleaning the Oven ?? No thanks, not my favourite job either!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reading is always a great pastime, and in such cold and wet weather, just right! Love the new sisters, and the shopping bag is fabulous, as are the beautiful blocks. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. That sounds like a cold day. Hope your cleaning went well.

  6. Your weather does not look nice! Maybe it is good for getting things done inside though. I love all your sister blocks!

  7. I heard there was crazy hail in your weather …. brrr . Indoors is good when you are feeling a bit under the weather (pardon the pun) and nice to have some good books. I love my hand made shopping bags and yours is great... fun fabric... smme lovely sisters to add to your collection....

  8. Nice collection of sisters and a great bag. xx

  9. It has been the perfect weekend for reading. It is soooo cold here and our ducted heating struggles to reach 23 degrees. No rain today but I think it rained 48 hours non stop until this morning. We have also had very high winds and found next door's outdoor cushion in our front yard! Love your ladies.

  10. It’s so hard to do two things at once when you read! But a good book can be so hard to put down. Your sister blocks are coming right along. I must take the time to photograph mine, instead of just tossing them down and taking a picture of 'the pile'. Once in awhile, I tidy up, too. And occasionally, I’ll even clean something, lol. Ugh, hail. Winter. Not my favorite!

  11. wow we only had very light hail and it disappeared really quickly, you copped a heap.
    lovely new ladies to add to your collection and great shopping bag.
    Is there a theme to your ladies or are you using random fabrics?

  12. So we are not the only ones getting hail …. it is nice to have an indoor day or two, even if it does mean cleaning the oven. It has to be done as some point or other, right?

  13. AH, add a bit of painting to the mix and that could be my week! Lovely block and the shopping bag looks fabulous. Now that all the nasty chores are done...Happy Reading! :)


  14. What amazing weather! Winter in the sort-of tropics! Great shopping bag, and wonderful ladies - such variety! Your book pile looks wonderful. I can never be without books. That's one of the wonderful things about Kindle. I get so many free ones to read, and there's always something on there! Then there are the library books. Right now I have a pile of four of those to read, too. =)


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