Friday, August 2, 2019


Tonight is the first Friday of the month and therefore Friday Night with Friends, a night of virtual sewing hosted by Cheryll at Gone Stitchin'. Sign up and join in the fun tonight.
Yesterday I spent time cutting and prepping
This mess is my sewing desk and binding I am putting together for the circle quilt.

five inch squares for another project.

Blocks ready for International Sisters blocks, fabric from Karen, NZ and Bali.

Special fabric sent to me from the lovely Karen of KaHolly . We are both making the International Sisters blocks so Karen sent me some fabric she has used in her blocks so I can have a Karen Sister block and I have sent Kiwi and Aussie fabric for Karen to use in her blocks. Isn't that beautiful bird fabric!!

I rode my bike to the post office this morning, the sun came out for a while and then went behind the clouds

On the way back two pelicans were grooming near the boat ramp.
I have to get y skates on, hubby has a specialist appt and I am the designated driver!
Bye for now.


  1. That bird fabric jumped out at me before you even highlighted it. There is something about cartoon birds I find so entertaining. I miss pelicans from my days living in Florida. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Love all those fabrics lined up to play! And the pelicans are fabulous. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I love that fabric for your sisters quilt. Lots of sewing happening.

  4. You have lots of great projects going!

  5. welcome home,
    lovely fabrics for some new ladies!
    love the scrappy binding

  6. Such wonderful things to work on and be inspired by. I always love seeing your water pictures and the Supervisor, whatever he's supervising. I guess he couldn't go biking with you today.


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