Thursday, November 28, 2019

Some happenings

I am slowly getting some things done here, the days seem to be busy, but not a lot to show for the business! I had a lovely day out sewing and lunching yesterday with friends, it was a most enjoyable day.
Today I went to the PO to send off the Aussie Hero quilt, the recipient asked for ANZAC and poppies

I bought the panel, added the border and flags, then free motioned the poppies onto the green and blue section, along with the kangaroo and kiwi. It is a beautiful panel, full of lots of meaning.

this block for the Old Time Kaleidoscope is finished

and this one is part way through, thanks to the sewing day yesterday and no domestic interruptions!!

the Hotch Potch quilt is together

today I went into Geelong to Lizzies Quilt shop and got fabric for the borders. 

The next Aussie hero quilt has asked for Australian and green, so I picked up some green fabric in Lizzies, I am thinking of doing some square in square blocks and star blocks. I was very good and didn't give in to temptation and buy anything else!
I had better away and get some cutting done.
Happy stitching.


  1. You are amazing! You get so much done! Love the poppy quilt.

  2. Your quilts are just amazing. The Anzac one with the poppies is really moving, I love it. You have great talent. I am always very impressed. Hugs, Valerie

  3. That panel is so good. Your next quilt will come together nicely.

  4. Your Anzac quilt is fabulous. Fancy buying htat pink for the hodge podge quilt... I wouldn't have thought iof it but it lifts the whole thing up... perfect....

  5. There are nice things happening in amongst the busyness. The AH quilt is beautiful and I am loving your kaleidoscope blocks. Very nice hotch potch too. xx

  6. The Aussie Hero quilt looks amazing Well done Bet the recipient will be happy
    The other projects are coming along nicely too
    You really are as amazing as your quilt

  7. The Aussie Hero quilt looks stunning Sue - I think you have captured Anzac & Poppies just perfectly. You manage to put these together & cater to their wishes so well.

  8. Nice to spend time with your friends.
    Fantastic Aussie Hero Quilt and I also like the Hotch Potch one,,
    great fabrics for the next project.
    Good girl not buying extra fabrics..

  9. I’m just doing a catch up on blogs. Wow! The Anzac quilt turned out beautifully. Your new project should look great too. It’s a fun panel.


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