Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Home update

I have started with another home update, please feel free to skip, the idea of 100 residents queuing for a Mr Whippy ice cream made me smile!

Radius Matua Update: 10th July 2020

Monday was so wet that everyone wanted to keep inside – we had a very busy paper reading group as well as exercises. In the afternoon one group went out on a bus and another group of residents stayed and knitted.

On Tuesday residents had a chance to partake in the Winter Quiz, the “boys” met up for Gentleman’s Club – talking about Chocolate as it was  The World Chocolate Day – they ended up having yummy waffles and a drink. The day was concluded by a well-attended Anglican church service in the hall – the first one since March.

Wednesday is the day several of our craft groups get together, they really enjoy each other’s company and working away on their various projects.
The afternoon featured the movie “The Water Diviner” on the big screen.

The ladies in the hospital area were cooking on Wednesday Afternoon – they made delicious crepes and filled them either with jam and cream or with lemon and sugar … what would be your favourite filling (I’m definitely a lemon/sugar man)

Thursday saw the resident’s (and some staff) singing along and few brave souls even dancing to Ces and Joy’s entertainment. Ces plays a piano accordion and the speed his fingers move around have to be seen to be believed, and Joy accompanies him on the keyboard.

It might be cold at night but it makes for great cloudless days!! Following last weekend’s rain it has not been a bad week. Our residents have all decided on their seats that get the most sunshine and they head out to make the most of it.
We were not sure how it would go with the cold weather but the residents came out in droves (over 100 of them) to enjoy our regular Mr Whippy visit.

During the last few months our residents established several smaller groups that meet together to play cards, Yahtzee, Rummikub or even to have a game on the foosball table. Last Saturday a group of ladies booked taxis and they went out for a coffee in Cherrywood. It’s great to see the friendships the have been made amongst our residents.

Next week we will be celebrating Bastille Day by having a French Themed Happy Hour with cheese and crackers an wine (for those able) … we will also have a raffle.

I would like to remind the family members that visit to please do not open/unlock any side doors … for safety reasons we need you to be coming in and also leaving via the main door at reception. We need to be sure we know who is coming and going. Thank you for your cooperation.

Craig Shipton
Facility Manager
10th July 2020

So here at home
I glanced out the spare bedroom window the other morning and spied the galah family in the blossom tree, there is a seed block in here so I guess they found it.

I am not sure it is up high enough for them, but they have eaten it anyway.

the Aussie Hero quilt top is finished, the backing sewn together and many bits of left over batting sewn together, so now it can be put together ready for quilting. 

And here it is at the machine awaiting some more attention. I started yesterday and then #2 son, Shane rang for a chat, so the quilting was put on hold. Maybe today. 👩

We had an overcast morning this morning but the sun is out now and the view out the back is wonderful.

The KOGO blanket edging was finished last night, one more endy bit to sew in I think.

The Japanese fabric quilt has its binding now, so just needs a label and it is ready to go to the hospital.

Last Friday I made two blocks for Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, a day late but at least they got done!

The old paper foundation piecing has made these blocks come together really well. I have been reminded why I enjoy it!
Ok, I had better go and do some quilting instead of faffing about.
Happy stitching.


  1. good to hear how they all are at the home..... the galah's are so lovely and that blossom tree is going to be lovely in a few weeks.... well done with the quilt... won't be long now. and lovely blocks.... I do struggle with foundation piecing....

  2. Your home reminds me of the place my parents lived in later years. Always so much going on. Whenever I was there I took part in the quizes and singalongs. Loved the Xmas show. I think I enjoyed it more than they did. Seemed so normal unlike life here.
    More wonderful quilts, knitting and crochet.

  3. The updates from your Mum’s home are always interesting. The Aussie Heroes quilt came together nicely, as have your blocks

  4. There is so much in this post to comment on. Your Aussie Hero quilt is amazing! Did you design it? If you did, how did the design come about? There are amazing details. I sew leftover batting together as well for certain quilts. Trail Mix may be that way.

    Your yard is still amazing even when it is overcast. We don't get that much green around here.

    I have never see a Galah bird before, so I googled it. Ahaw, native to Australia. You have amazing things that no one else has on your side of the world.

    Sylvia is lucky to get a pineapple log cabin block as well as the other.

  5. That blossom tree is going to be spectacular very soon. Please show us a photo when it is in full flower. Pretty suncatchers. You have been very busy in the sewing department with some lovely results.

  6. The Galahs look stunning Sue - I remember them visiting lots whenever I would stay with my Aunt in Kilmore, Victoria. I just loved them. Your Aussie Hero quilt looks stunning also - I particularly love this one.

  7. I love your mums updates. I wish my MIL,s facility did this

  8. Always great for the catch up at Mums home and they always have lovely things going on for the residents...
    Great job with the Aussie Hero Quilt.
    Hope those Galahs only eat the seed Block and not those Blossoms..
    Pretty blocks too.,

  9. Lovely to look out the window and watch the birds. Your pineapple block looks great, and I am sure you will soon be done with the quilting on the Aussie heros quilt.

  10. The sun always makes everything look better, even if it is chilly outside. The Aussie Hero Quilt looks amazing. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Great to get updates from the home when you are so far away. The galahs sure are ha ing a good time. Your Aussie Hero quilt is going to be beautiful. The Sylvia blocks are coming along nicely too x

  12. Sending out the home newsletter is such a good idea. Did they used to do it before the covid lockdown? Well done on finishing the Aussie Hero top - maybe by now it's quilted? How nice to look out and see the Galahs - it shows the value in strategically placing the feed for them!

  13. We have had a lot of galahs here on our front and back lawns. Love the quilts and that blanket had come together quickly. Foundation piecing does seem to create more accuracy but I have only done it once many years ago.


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