Friday, March 12, 2021

Autumn is coming

 We have had some cooler weather the last couple of weeks, there is one tree in the garden here that bang on the 1st of March changes colour and starts to drop its leaves. As I sit here and glance out the window the tree is redder, the morning is dull here at present and the tree is glowing.

I finally managed to get this challenging (to me) block made for the School Girl Sampler, not perfect but I am happy with it.

I had enough blocks made to join the centre block with the side pieces, it is wonderful to see it coming together slowly.

Log Cabin block for the Sampler

Three more blocks done

This weeks Anthology blocks done

This weeks Sylvia's Bridal Sampler block Card Trick

I have a lot of pieces cut out to make half square triangle for the border for the School Girl Sampler.
I had better get moving and get some breakfast, and then it is off to the swimming pool to do some laps.


  1. Gorgeous blocks, though the tree takes top prize for beauty this time. I like the Ghandi quote, and it is so true!

  2. Nice blocks. The sampler blocks with the centre panel look great. Beautiful glowing tree. xx

  3. That tree definitely says autumn is on the way. Lovely progress with your blocks. Enjoy your laps.

  4. Again...more lovely blocks. Goodness me you have stitched a lot. Love those Anthology blocks. That tree changes colour early. The red leaves are glorious.

  5. Lovely blocks! You've been quite busy!

  6. It's amazing how trees just know it's time to change..... I love your blocks and your sampler is just gorgeous... the mix of colours and sashing is just perfect... don't you find the little 'non perfect' bits in blocks dont show once they are together.... it's like the magic of the trees changing???? haha

  7. Gosh your Schoolgirl Sampler is looking stunning Sue - lined up like that I just love them! That tree is rather stunning too - yes I am enjoying the cooler temps here so much. Have a great weekend Sue xx

  8. So cool to see the start of your Schoolgirl Sampler being joined!! It feels like progress when that happens! All your blocks are looking great - awesome work :-) The autumn flavoured tree is beautiful. Our seasons are changing too, it's a lovely time of the year.

  9. I love Card Trick blocks! Never made one though lol. Your SGS is coming along beautifully. Well worth the effort. Elm Creek blocks are lovely. You are sooooo productive!

  10. Sewing, swimming and a superb view of a red tree - life is beautiful. Hope you get loads accomplished :-)

  11. Just catching up on all your recent posts, love your staghorns, not something I have grown, your garden looks great, autumn is coming, although we have some heat again for the next few days. And you have stitched up a storm as well. Lovely pictures from your holiday along the coast.

  12. Sue - your quote from Gandhi is right on point! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. Love the colours of autumn. What size are the sampler blocks. They look about 3or 4”

  14. Card trick is a favorite of mine and your colors are great! If I were you, I’d be looking at the schoolgirl blocks all the time. They are so interesting.

  15. Lots of fiddly blocks. They are coming together well. Your tree is stunning.

  16. autumn colours are so pretty.......I don't think I will be going anywhere near where we see good colour this year.......
    Love seeing all your blocks that you make......

  17. autumn colours are so pretty.......I don't think I will be going anywhere near where we see good colour this year.......
    Love seeing all your blocks that you make......

  18. autumn colours are so pretty.......I don't think I will be going anywhere near where we see good colour this year.......
    Love seeing all your blocks that you make......


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