Saturday, February 5, 2022


 I nearly achieved my  mission last night, most fabrics from the bag have been stamped and cut out. The stamp pad was starting to run out and the stamp very pale on the back of the red fabrics, so I had to stop, I couldn't see where to cut. Will try again another day.

They don't show up too well on the bright stable table, the piles of cropped diamonds have grown and the pieces from the bag have reduced! Productive evening.
You can see what the other Friday Nighters made by going to visit Cheryll our host here
We are off to the Dandenongs today for an afternoon wedding, we have not seen these people for a long time so will be good to catch up.
Happy stitching.



  1. They look to be some lovely fabrics in there Sue. I hope you enjoy the wedding - hope there is some shade for you as I'll bet its hot in the Dandenongs.

  2. Nice pile of cropped diamonds. Lovely looking fabrics. Hugs, xx

  3. Thanks for your company at FnwF...& with lots of "bits" cut out.
    EnJoY the wedding & hope the weather is kind...xox

  4. You're going to have plenty to keep your hands busy with those.
    Enjoy the day out and catching up with your friends.
    Another break in quilting, for another cuppa. Gotta keep my fluids up. LOL

  5. You still got a lot cut out. Have a lovely day at the wedding. It's the perfect day for it. x

  6. Nice new header...
    Well done with the diamond but I'm surprised with all the EPPed projects you do that you haven't got an AccuQuilt cutter...
    Enjoy the wedding.

  7. A good pile of blocks there ready for sewing....


  8. Go you! Now you just have to stitch all those together. Stamping is the easy bit.

  9. Go you! Now you just have to stitch all those together. Stamping is the easy bit.

  10. Go you! Now you just have to stitch all those together. Stamping is the easy bit.

  11. Enjoy your wedding. It would be lovely to get out and be social. It's still too wet and cold here.

  12. Enjoy the wedding, great collection of fabric

  13. All those cut fabrics will keep you busy! Enjoy the wedding and catching up with your friends.

  14. You always get a lot of work done. Have a fun time at the wedding, hugs, Valerie

  15. Looks like a productive evening - hope you enjoyed the wedding. xx

  16. Hope the wedding went well and you all had a great time.

  17. It is a good feeling to move things from one pile to the almost done pile. Enjoy the wedding.

  18. A wedding in the Dandenongs sounds just lovely. Good work on your prep xx

  19. Just love the idea of the stamp - what a time saver!
    Plenty of prep done.

  20. How fun! You certainly have some pretty fabrics to work with. I think stamping would be a really cool way to mark your fabrics. What a great idea!


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