Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Gisborne Retreat

It is day 2 of the retreat and all is going well, I have finished two quilt tops from the half square triangles
This one with the darker plain squares
This one with the lighter squares. The plain layer cake was given to me by Ingrid, the coloured layer cake was from a fabric sale.
Everyone is busy stitching 
Sue finished her beautiful quilt
Maxine is working on these blocks, they were given to her to finish by someone who had been given them to finish....Maxine is finishing off the buttonhole stitching on 54 leaves!! 
Next up for me is to join these blocks together, I was given them ages ago
These blocks have been joined together now I need to join the rows, it will be a challenge as a lot of the blocks are uneven, again they were given to me to finish up.
I had better get back to it
Happy stitching. 


  1. Love the triangle quilts. Lots of great work at retreat.

  2. Great sewing and lots of beautiful work going on!! The HST quilts with the large squares are very effective. Good luck with the rail fence blocks.

  3. Fantastic quilts... I love how the HST ones turned out and of course Avenues is tempting me to work on mine!

  4. You are all going so well. Great progress.

  5. You seem to be A "lucky recipient" of a lot of stuff.

    The Avenue quilt (Sue) is great - it's on my "One Day" list

    Good luck with the last one...a bit of tweaking!

  6. you did well with your fabrics.......they both have come up well........
    I do like the flowers quilt.......got something similar on the planning stages.......

  7. You are so productive! Great quilts being made.

  8. The quilts are gorgeous. What a lovely retreat and great progress!


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