Friday, August 18, 2023


Is now 7 months old, the time has gone by very quickly for me
Checking I am watching 😁
He is a happy little chap and loves his Mum and Dad

And enjoys a walk
I have an appt with the cerebrovascular consultant this morning, via Telehealth, so far I have been waiting 42 minutes, much better than sitting in the waiting room because I can do this
Slowly a new jumper is being made.
Off to wait some more
Happy stitching.


  1. Finn is just darling.... lovely little chap and I know he brings lots of joy. Hope you apt went ok and you are doing allright... lovely knitting...

  2. they grow so fast........hoping all went well with the appt.......

  3. Hope consultation goes well. Well yes, way nicer than sitting in a souless waiting room. Finn is so cute. xx

  4. what a gorgeous grandbaby!!
    hope all went well with your appointment.
    Happy knitting

  5. Your grandbaby is very cute! Hope all goes well with the medical appointment.

  6. Wow, Finn has grown so big! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Awwwww he is sooo cute! 7 months has flown by. The knitting looks nice. How did you go with your appointment?

  8. Finn is just adorable.
    Lovely colour yarn you're using ..

  9. Finn is a charmer. What a cute little guy.
    Such a beautiful yarn for your jumper.

  10. Gorgeous photos of your lovely wee boy, Sue. I can't beieve he is 7 months already! I love the yarn you are using for your latest knitting.

  11. Hope your appt went well, Finn is gorgeous

  12. Finn is adorable. I hope the appointment went well and you are OK.

  13. What a cutie. I was only thinking that I had not seen posts from you for a while and now notice that you are now longer on my "blog reading list". Blogger is doing some very strange things again!!!!!! Sometimes it seems that life is all about "waiting waiting" Hope all went well for your consult.


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