Saturday, September 2, 2023

Since my last post

We have been to Queensland for a long weekend, i have been walking, walking and walking done more and a little bit of sewing has happened!
While getting answers for a cache we climbed Emu Mountain near Perigian Springs and had a great view of Coolum Beach
We saw these flowers while looking for another cache
Got a bit closer to Coolum Beach
How is that for a tempting view?
We looked a while for whales but no luck.
We followed a trail along this creek in Perigian Springs , once again looking for caches
Them we had to fly home, out flight was delayed over two hours as Melbourne airport was fog bound and the planes could not leave. 
We were finally home at 8.30pm, rather than our hoped for 5pm.
I Have been walking a lot lately, fund-raising for the orang-utans
The aim was to walk 57,000 steps a week  to remember that there are only 57,000 orang-utans left in the wild. When i first started caring for orang-utans I read they would be extinct in my life time kind of a scary thought! So I do what I can. I want to thank the lovely people who supported me, you made my day!
I am pleased to say of the three weeks I walked (I was late to the party!!) I made 66,672 steps the first week  70,038 the second and 62,163 the third. I would be very challenged to keep that up but hope to at least manage 7000 steps a day! We will see!
I have been working away in the evenings on my hand stitching project, it is slowly growing

Views along the beach from walks
I visited Finn
We had a chat and a play
I have walked the dogs and they have been here for a play
I have has the all is good phone call from the neuro Dr regarding my brain MRI, so very happy with that.
Ok that Is enough from me!!
Happy stitching.


  1. Great news Sue.
    Lovely photo of Finn. Keep up the walking.👏

  2. Looks like a great trip Sue. Well done with your walking - good for you as well as the Orangutans! Love your hexies and Finn fix. Good news re the scan. xx

  3. Beautiful beach views! Congrats on getting so many steps in. I'm happy to read that you got good news from the doctor about the brain MRI!

  4. Great post Sue - looks like you had a lovely time up North. And well done with all the walking for the Orangatan - amazing effort. Lovely photos of Finn, and wonderful news after your MRI!!!

  5. That’s sounds like a great little getaway in warmer weather. Congrats on your walking effort.

  6. how cute is young Finn.... such fun.... I would be worried having a brain MRI in case they found there wasn't one there after all!!! I am very glad yours is fine and working well.... great with the walking - you did really well... I do love the orangutang.

  7. Fabulous news from your neuro.
    Finn is such a cutie!!
    You've done real well with your walking challenge.
    Definitely a very busy time.

  8. Your Queensland holiday looks lovely, glad your mri results were good


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