Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Some finishes

Jenny and I were very happy to deliver 5 knitted blankets to the chemist in Drysdale on Monday, ready for delivery to KOGO.
One wasn't recorded but looked amazing!
The rest of Monday was passed by going to Quilt group,  supermarket shopping and wholefood shopping. We came home fir a rest after that!! 😊
Tuesday afternoon we had a walk along the beach at Indented Head
The old paddle steamer wreck looked high and dry
A few pelicans were about
It is a lovely place for a walk
We had a wonderful brunch before walking
Today we have had a second visit to the Christmas shop
There were so many things to look at, a few goodies came home with us 😁
One afternoon last week I made a fiddle rug for Finn, Beth had said he loved zips
On dog fabric, with zips and things to chew and crunch and fiddle with
Finn is very happy with it
David has had a long weekend to Adelaide, he went over on the Overland train and said he was very well looked after. He flew back today, the plane was late leaving so he was an hour later getting to Geelong, but we happily filled the time at the shopping centre. We have had a hot day today  and this afternoon a storm is coming, feels like the tropics not Victoria ! 
Happy stitching.


  1. The blankets look great and what a beautiful day for a walk. Hope the storm passed safely. xx

  2. Finn looks very happy with his fiddle blanket. Such a big smile. It seems too early to be thinking of Christmas, but it will be here before we know it. The blankets look great and will be nice and snuggly for someone. You are very fortunate to have such lovely areas to walk in.

  3. Great work on the blankets .... those variegated wools look effective.... lucky Finn.. all those bits to play with....

  4. Well done on those rugs. The Christmas shop looks amazing...what fun
    Your Finn is so gorgeous and has grown so much. He does look pleased with Nana's efforts xx

  5. You girls are certainly out and about. Brunch looks delicious. Finn looks delighted with his mat. Lots of tummy time entertainment there.

  6. Lots of great activities for you to do. Another plate of yummy food and great photos of Flinn.

  7. Christmas shops can be far too tempting!

    Finn looks like he is enjoying his new fiddle mat.


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