Saturday, December 2, 2023


My Friday Night with Friends was more Friday afternoon by the time I got organised. I am making an Aussie Hero quilt in the colours of the German flag
two strips are together
More blocks are ready to go. That was the extent of my sewing as we went out last night to a Candle light concert in West Geelong. 
This was the stage, there were 2 violins, 1 viola and a cello  they played parts of Vivaldi's Four Seasons,  it was magical.
My phone didn't focus too well! The concert lasted for an hour and then we went to the Elephant and Castle for dinner
I had the best gf calamari and salad and after being a little healthy had this...
It was amazing!! Then it was home for a cuppa and bed! We are both used to evenings out in this house. Happy Christmas to the Friday nighters!
Happy stitching.


  1. Now that sounds like a perfect evening. You did well to get any stitching done.

  2. Great evening all round with some stitching, a concert to enjoy and a delicious dinner.

  3. The bold German flag colors are striking. I like the pattern created by turning the block on its side. Your evening out looks quite nice.

  4. Interesting choice for the Aussie Hero quilt! The concert sounds amazing, beautiful with all the candles. What a lovely evening. xx

  5. Sounds like a lovely evening - glad you squeezed in a bit of sewing.

  6. You do find some challenges for your Ausi hero quilts.... wonderful concert to go to and Eton Mess to finish..... ooooh yum

  7. I did not know they were the German flag colours Sue. Gosh the concert looked wonderful - what a stunning venue. But OH My .. that desert looks so yummy! xx

  8. The candle light concert sounds so wonderful. YOur strawberry yummy does as well.

  9. Thank you for joining in FNwF in 2023.
    Merry Christmas to you & the family...xox

  10. It sounds like a lovely day Sue, with some sewing, a Christmas outing and a nice dinner (that you didn't need to cook!)!

  11. That sounds like a lovely evening out...concert and dinner.

  12. A lovely evening. Vilvadi's 4 Seasons is a favourite of mine. It would have sounded absolutlely wonderful. Nice dinner!

  13. Good work on the AHQ. The dessert looked delicious. And your hearts from the previous post were very cute.

  14. Well, I'm really excited about this... a quilt with a German flag. I'm curious about the result.
    Concert by candlelight is definitely very idyllic.
    Great dessert... I really like small sweets too.
    Many greetings to you.
    I wish you and yours a happy Advent season.


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