Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mid month check in

 Deana, has given a mid month check in to see how things are going with

My challenge for May was to make the felted needle case, I am pleased to say that is finished

I added the ribbon to help keep it closed, I don't know why I waited so long to make it as it didn't take that long to stitch.
The other part of the challenge was to work on the Anthology blocks, I am pleased to say they are all now in a quilt top, thanks to Margaret helping me on retreat last week. They will go to the quilters tomorrow.
The quilt tops are folded on the couch waiting for me to cut wadding.
I bought an I Spy pack last Saturday - my no buying fabric went out the door!!
I put it together Sunday and Monday night - typical me not sewing what I should have been sewing, still it is good to have it made.
I am linking up over at Deana's blog with the other mid month updaters.
Happy stitching.


  1. The needle case is beautiful. Glad you have your anthology blocks into a quilt top & the i spy is cute.

  2. The needle case is really beautiful. Isn't that just the way to be working on something other than what we are headed to do, we can be so distractable sometimes!

  3. That felted needlecase turned out just gorgeous Sue. My friend used to do some amazing felting work - it has always fascinated me. Loving how Anthology is looking now xx

  4. So good to have two projects done. Firstly the lovely felt needle case and then to have all those beautiful Anthology Blocks sewn together into a top…
    Maria lifeontheblock

  5. Its a wonderful feeling completing tasks isn't it. Well done...xox

  6. How fabulous your Anthology blocks are now all stitched together. I can't wait to see it quilted. It is going to be a beautiful quilt. Your felted needle case is a lovely finish, Sue.

  7. Two lovely quilt tops. Your Anthology blocks came together beautifully. And your needle book is cute.

  8. Well done on #5. The Novelty quilt looks great - I often do similar- but offset each second row so i don't have to fuss over nesting the seams...much speedier forme.

    cant wait to see Anthology all done...love it!

  9. I really do wonder why I leave things so long also....... Nice needle book and so pleased anthology is a top......

  10. Congratulations on getting Anthology done! You have been busy! Very nice needle case too!

  11. Well done on achieving your challenge goal early.

  12. The needlecase is lovely. Cute wee I Spy (a lovely distraction). The border looks great on your Anthology.


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