Monday, July 1, 2024

Guess what? There are more holiday photos

 The next day was a free day, in that our friends were busy and so we went to Mooloolabar and I went on a whale watching trip - David stayed on dry land and had a coffee and read the paper. Blogger has decided to put the photos in reverse here.....

coming back into the wharf

there are amazing houses on the water along the canal

windblown and happy

the whales swimming away from us

the whales (3) appeared on the right side of the boat and then swam deep under the boat and appeared on the left hand side- I didn't get a first sighting photo sadly, the huge male was very close to the boat then, the photos are taken on my phone in a rocking boat, so they are not the best. There is a tail in the photo above

looking from the boat over to Coolum

boats on the way out to see along the canal

ready to go!!
the light house and painted water tower on the way back in. We were on a zodiac type boat so were able to zip along fast to try and get in front of the whales once they were sighted, the boats are not allowed to go close, but if the whales swim by you that is ok. I was excited to at least get a look at some whales, I have done these kind of trips before and not seen a thing.
Time for a break I think.
Happy stitching.


  1. Hi Sue - I am just playing catch up on all your holiday photos - what a wonderful time you must've had. It looks like you had really nice weather while you were away. I have been to Mooloolabar before but a long time ago. xx

  2. So cool to see the whales! I have never seen any before, but then, my boating in the ocean experiences are limited. It is on my bucket list.

  3. How lovely to see whales! xx

  4. very special to see the whales,


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