Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Catch up

I have had some very enjoyable sit and sews this week at Bellarine Quilters, Seachange and St Leonards. I missed the show and tell at Bellarine, was slow getting the camera out, Angela had made some wonderful charity quilts.
Laurie made this beautiful table runner, love the colours she has used.

I came home with a bundle of fabrics to try and make some charity quilts...spidey man, spidey man...(woops started singing there!!)
I have started to work on another Aussie hero quilt, the request was for half square triangles made into chevrons in white and colour.

Today Jill was working on her lollipop trees, love how she does her circles in little foil packs! Looks like there are chocolate treats coming!!

The half square triangles are coming along ok, I had a few strange rows for a while but hubby set me right!!

And the Supervisor was snoring at the end of the table!!
Hubby was doing a pastel yesterday and  he has finished it today, I requested a painting of one of the Hobbit houses at Hobbiton.
He is still tweaking but I love it.
Off now to do some more half square triangles.
Happy sewing.


  1. Ooo that quilt is going to be lovely and hopefully quick to do. Your hubby is like mine, sets me straight when I need help with block placements and colourways. Looove your hubby's pastel drawing! ( I shall now email you with Mark's comment ...not sure I should put it on here lol. ) 😉

  2. very clever art from the Hubby! You are always busy with one quilt or another, lucky you have a good supervisor :-)

  3. Lovely sewing happening....very pretty table runner. Love Hubby's pastel piece. It is great. I have such trouble with neat to put your order in for some lovely art xx

  4. You are a very artistic couple. Well done

  5. Hi Sue ,love the table runner and your chevron is looking great.
    Well done to David his pic is amazing,how clever to be able to draw what you wanted ,stay warm looks like our winter is here,it's freezing xx

  6. Always love seeing your projects and the various group photos. Wow live hubbies pastels, so much talent in your household.

  7. I love seeing everyone's projects, including your husband's.

  8. Very talented couple! hope you managed to make something out of spidey man!


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