Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wandering Camera

Today, this last Thursday of October I am linking with Whims And Fancies for Wandering Camera

Today I have delivered Jenny into Melbourne, we went up on the train and then by taxi to the hotel. They ladies couldn't get into their room until 2pm and were wanting lunch, so,we wandered off to Southbank to the food hall.
After a good lunch we crossed the nearest bridge
We wandered across the bridge

And had a great view of the Yarra river , you can see why it is called the upside down river!!

Then wandered along Swanston Street, past the Town hall

A tram and the town hall

And then to the Bourke Street mall, this building is the old Post Office 

I have finished one flower on Doing the Rounds, the centre is a bit wonky, but I will cover it with a circle.

The next flower has been started on 😆.
If you pop over to Whims and Fancies you can see where other Wandering camera people have been.
Happy stitching.


  1. I know the buildings look lovely but I'm not a fan of going into Melbourne unless I have to.
    It could be a lovely day out with friends.
    I hope you enjoyed it.

  2. Interesting wanderings. Maybe I'll get to visit Melbourne someday. I always enjoy your photos.

  3. Loved wandering along with you....great pics. Your flower looks great x

  4. Your photos of Melbourne look wonderful Sue. I do love that city so much ... it certainly is stunning. Your flower looks great to me ... cannot see a wonky centre!

  5. looks like lovely weather for your walkabout... some gorgeous old buildings...
    well done with that flower... looks quite a challenge...

  6. Your camera certainly has been wandering around. I haven't been to Melbourne, so it is nice to get a glimpse through the pictures.

  7. I love cities that have rivers running through them. Very attractive shots. But you'll have to educate me about why it is called the upside down river!

  8. Looks like a great place to wander with a camera. xx

  9. There are interesting things to see whenever you take time to look around. Great images.

  10. O, it looks lovely there. I love the old buildings.
    Great pics.

  11. There are some beautiful old buildings in Melbourne - older than what we see here?! Great photos :-)

  12. Thanks for the wonderful shots of Melbourne. This is the only way I learn about Australia!

  13. What a beautiful walk. The old post building is gorgeous. I would love to visit Melbourne one day. The flower looks pretty. What wonky centre :)

    Thank You for linking up on Wandering Camera.



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