Sunday, October 28, 2018

This and that

Last Wednesday at sewing group Jill finished all the sewing she had brought with her, so I asked if she wanted to sew on one of my petals on the Doing the Rounds and she did!!Yay!! Love the help and cooperation quilters show and I now have a little of Jill in my quilt.

I stumbled across a Medallion Mystery quilt on facebook, signed up to do the blocks and to the fb group, I have block 2 and nothing else, so have signed up again, we will see what happens. Currently it is week 3.

this is the start of the block, points are a weeny bit out but I am happy with it

I happily put on the next round, ironed it, took it to show the hubby and realised the top row is on the wrong way!!! Ppffff!!! So some unsewing happened while I cooked dinner, I need to take another photo as it is sewn back on the correct way now! 

Don't think the supervisor is happy with me moving around all the time!
We have had some beautiful roses in the garden

which are now inside to enjoy. The perfume is lovely.

There is a vine growing on the back fence, the leaves look like clematis, but the flower is like a passionfruit...any ideas please? It is very invasive, we are constantly pulling out runners popping up everywhere. 

another lovely rose which also smells beautiful.
Hubby bought me two bird boxes for my birthday

they are now in the gum tree in the back yard, they are as high as we could get them...hubby saw some galahs inspecting them this afternoon, hopefully we get some residents. There are two boxes next door that have a large family of galahs living there, so we are hoping....

the fig tree is producing
so is the plum tree

the geraniums are very happy

Lovely photo of the Supervisors bum...we have a family of ravens in the garden and they seem to be carrying bones in from somewhere, the supervisor has worked out that gifts are falling in the garden and he is sniffing them out!!
Happy stitching.


  1. Such lovely photos, the flowers are beautiful. The Supervisor is a handsome fella too. Your quilt looks fabulous, I wish I had that talent.

  2. Isn't Spring wonderful. Those roses are pretty. Love your Medallion Mystery quilt blocks. How annoying that you have to unpick the second block. Those are great bird boxes. Hopefully some feathered friends will take up residence soon.

  3. Oh dear about the block.... photo's are great for picking up things like that aren't they... lovely things from your garden. I would have said passion fruit about that flower - I wonder what it is. Your roses look just lovely. So nice of the ravens to bring the supervisor treats!

  4. Your new blocks look great Sue. As do your roses & garden. I think hubby gave you a wonderful birthday gift! That flower certainly looks like a passionfruit flower to me?

  5. Busy beaver as usual. Your flowers are all wonderful

  6. Lovely to have help from a friend. I love your block! Drat that reverse sewing. Your roses are gorgeous! The birdies in the area must be so thrilled to have brand new real estate up for grabs.....loved your pics xx

  7. Lovely surprises in your garden. Hopefully you'll get a few figs. Love fig jam. Quilters are generous.

  8. Lovely pictures of your garden - definitely passionflower and yes, it does pop up all over the place! Shame about the unstitching but your block looks great, I love the colours. xx

  9. Oh a great start to your new project Sue. Love the fabrics you are using! Your gardens are looking lovley - and productive. I have a similar passionflower in my chook keeps coming up and growing everywhere - lovely flowers but never fruits :-(

  10. You have so many things going on! I love seeing photos of the Supervisor. Isn't it funny how we don't notice something until we see it in the photo? You have some very pretty flowers.

  11. Loved seeing your garden and the fabrics you have used in the block are really lovely too
    There seems to always be reverse sewing

  12. I love your yard! How nice of Jill to help, and for you to even offer to let her. Sewing day looks great! I don't know what that flower is, of course, but if it's that invasive, I wish I had some here!


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