Saturday, September 7, 2019

FNWF results

I had a happy evening sewing away and the a not so happy time unsewing!
First unpicking was because I had one side upside down! So the bottom was unpicked and the top sewn to become the bottom!! Phew!

Then I had to fill the bobbin and I can't have put it back in properly as the stitch was all loopy, I was doing the stretch three stitch and boy it takes some unpicking!

Finally it is together, just needs a cord and a wee white spot in the eyes now.
The front

and the back.

Yesterday we had some exciting mail arrive, some special pieces of fabric from the lovely Fiona of BubzRugz. Fiona has sent me some of her beautiful African fabrics to make some more International Sisters blocks. Thank you Fiona they are beautiful.
I think I will be making more Sisters today.
Thank you too to Cheryll for hosting FNWF. You can pop over to her blog and see what others worked on last night.
Happy stitching.
PS I nearly forgot, I did some ironing and now these One Block Wednesday blocks can go with the rest of the collection.
Now I have 73 blocks to go!! Woo Hoo!!


  1. Oh dear, that is always so sad to have to unpick - not something anybody likes, but you did get the bag finished in the end, and it looks great. Have fun with the new fabric. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Some days that unpicker can be very busy!!!!!! The bag turned out well in the end.

  3. The Wednesday blocks are growing. They look great!

  4. It's so frustrating to have to unpick, I know I do heaps... 😊
    The laundry does look great ..
    What a lovely parcel of African fabrics the fabulous Fiona sent you. They'll make gorgeous Sister Blocks.
    Great progress with your OBWs..

  5. Oh I hate unpicking! Great bag though - glad you got it right in the end. Nice sisters fabrics from Fiona and don't you Wednesday blocks look amazing. xx

  6. Enjoyed your block Wednesday I have made a lot of them too. I might make place mats out of mine.

  7. the laundry bag looks great... even if it took you 3 lots of sewing to get it done! haha... it was just testing you! Glad the fabrics arrived safe.... once I cut your pieces I got excited and started cuttign for me too! I love all your OBW blocks.... not long to go and you will have them all..

  8. Oh Sue The laundry bag is fantastic
    Always some reverse sewing to do
    Some other loveliness there as well

  9. Very frustrating but your end result is wonderful! Neat fabrics from Fiona and love your blocks xx

  10. The laundry bag turned out so well it certainly will be appreciated. The sisters are really an international group, aren’t they.

  11. Don't you wonder how we get so distracted and then we have to correct our mistakes? Sigh. Wonderful result - it was worth your persistence!

  12. Sometimes the unsewing is as important as the sewing. I really like your international sister's block - great fabrics!

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