Friday, September 6, 2019


It the first weekend of the month once again and that means Friday Night with Friends a virtual sew/craft along hosted by Cheryll of Gone Stitch'n.
Last Wednesday I went to a sashiko class at Heights Sewing centre in Werribee. We had a small class and great teacher, I forgot to take a photo before we started but have some progress photos and the finish
this is 4cm square, so is not that big

Finished, is supposed to be made into a pincushion or coaster, I am not sure what I am doing with mine yet.

The cockatoos are done, sewn on and threads put to the back and tied off. Tonight I am hoping to put the laundry bag together.
Happy stitching.


  1. Love the embroidery, it looks so complicated. The birds are fabulous, looking forward to seeing the finished work! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Two interesting projects. The cockatoos are really great.

  3. The sashiko is lovely … so many stitches and a pretty design in such a small space.... Love the cockatoos.... they worked out just great...

  4. Your latest projects look great. The sashiko is so nice and even. I'm sure you will work out what to do with it.

  5. Nice embroidery, and I LOVE your cockatoos! :-)

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