Monday, March 30, 2020

Squirrel day

I know I should be focusing on one thing and getting it finished but my brain keeps on thinking of other things, but this is what has been happening here
I had a wonderful care package from the lovely Julie, hubby has been told NOT to eat the chocs wrapped in gold, they are white chocolate and are MINE!! Thank you Julie for thinking of me and spoiling me!

I also received this postcard from an Aussie Hero letting me know he received and loves his quilt, he was a bit worried as he received the box of goodies two weeks before the quilt arrived, he was getting concerned the quilt was lost, but all was good. Nothing like a Happy Camel to make your day!!

All my little half square triangles are trimmed
a pile of trimmings makes me feel very virtuous!! Sad isn't it!! Might go and put these in one of the bird boxes outside.

This lovely book arrived n the mail, another challenge between Ingrid and myself. I am going to be very busy!!

Second lay out for the half square triangles, I forgot to take a photo of the first, for that one I was two HST's short and decided not to make any more. Enough already!

So with the left overs I laid out this

The with the last few had a play and managed to get some around the wrong way but at least they went together ok.

Little one sewn together, comes out at 5 and a half inches.

Big one sewn together, with a couple of woopsies but it is staying as it is.

Ingrid reminded me it was time for our Caroline Challenge, I got  the days muddled and then sewed the half square triangles together the wrong way...did I look at the picture first...No! So some unsewing happened

getting my act together

and finished..not exact but I am happy, it was nearly 10pm by this time and I was getting vert tired.

We had a weather change yesterday afternoon, thunder, lightning and heavy rain.

Happy mail earlier in the week from Ingrid.

Quilting and binding done, two mini quilts and a pincushion!

I had a wander down the garden yesterday and saw there were more ripe figs, so another kilo is made into fig and ginger jam. 
Every time I go looking for charm squares this packet of Japanese fabrics falls on the floor, so it got sewn into strips and then I added the strips of fortune cookie fabric, I think now I need a strip of black all around to contain all the colour as it is a VERY LOUD and busy quilt centre and the next fabric I have to put on is also very busy. Using what is in the stash with this.
I think it might be time for lunch now and then back for more being a squirrel.
Keep safe
Happy stitching.


  1. LOL You really are having a squirrel day.
    Those HSTs look great. I have a few stashed away, who knows what this lockdown might cause.....?

  2. You have been seriously busy and deserve to keep those white chocs all for yourself. Glad you got some nice gifts. Enjoy! The snippets of cloth will be just right for birds nesting. Have a good and safe week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your little hst projects are lovely! What patience. And the Caroline piece is looking great too. We have had a weather change too - it is 4 degrees outside and raining, might even be a bit sleety at times! The fire is lit and we are staying indoors! Have a good week. xx

  4. You must be feeling a lot better, as you’ve been very busy. Nice mail to receive. Much better than bills. You didn’t waste anytime finishing your mini projects. They turned out great. Your jam and other stitching looks good too

  5. Those little HSTs turned out to be quite a challenge it seems. They are lovely projects though and they are finished. Good for you. That jam looks so delicious. Yumm. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. you are a very busy squirrel over there.... well done with the HST's.. they are so fiddly so small. I love a pile of trimmings... makes one have a great sense of achievement!! haha.

  7. I love how we are all keeping ourselves busy on some wonderful projects.
    It's like Xmas visiting all the blogs...
    Keep safe...xox

  8. A lovely post Sue - gosh you are busy my friend. Thats wonderful that the man let you know he loved his Aussie Hero Quilt. How special. I adore all your teeny tiny pieces & that mini quilt & pincushion are beautiful. You are so clever. Its a lovely sunny autumn day here today & I think I might take my stitching outside. xx

  9. Those little quilts remind me of mine and they look gorgeous. I agree about adding black to that quilt. It will look beautiful. Such a lovely card from your Aussie hero. It is nice to know that it was appreciated. Yummy jam.Great idea putting fabric scraps in the bird house. They, will use it in their nests. I used to put mine on the back verandah so they coukd take it. Don't overdo it girl!

  10. OH I love the mini quilts, so damn cute. Scraps for bird boxes... bird boxes! I have never thought of that... thanks!

  11. Lots of lovely mail to cheer you up and also the book to keep you busy...
    You're sew patient putting those time HST together into the cute minis and pincushion.

  12. Is that a happy camel, or is it about to spit? LOL! Love all those fabric combinations. Super patterns! Ooooo - fig jam! So jealous. Stay well!

  13. Your mini quilts and pin cushion are adorable!

  14. Looks like that squirrel found your sewing mojo....lovely work. Glad the birds left you some figs. How nice to have heard your Aussie Hero quilt arrived and so appreciated xx


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