Sunday, October 3, 2021


 and the start of the weekend. Friday night I did some cutting of fabric for blocks

I managed to get them all cut out, nine fat quarters which grew to eleven as I made a mistake on two and had to start again! Possibly not the best time to be cutting! I was a bit tired as a friend and I had driven to Gisborne and back to pick up a quilt Tracee had quilted for me.

Later that evening I sat with my feet up and glued these hexies ready for sewing.
A little view of the Star quilt after Tracee quilted it, Tracee is now operating as Humming Bird Quilting in Gisborne.
Yesterday I sewed the blocks together and then the blocks into rows, today it needs a border added to bring it up to the required size.

I have made a little progress with the Wasgij, found the top border and a few faces are coming together, currently searching for the bottom border pieces. 
I have been trying to walk every day and am seeing some lovely plants in gardens around the area. 

We have had some lovely spring days and some overcast rainy days

It is still good to walk along the beach

This wisteria is going to be stunning when it is fully in flower.
I had better go and get ready for todays walk, the sun is trying to come out at the moment, although I think the forecast is for showers.
Happy stitching.


  1. Lovely photos from your walks and you did well on Friday night, despite being tired.

  2. Your quilt top looks good & I love the colour of your hexies.
    Tracee's quilting looks wonderful too.
    Nice walks along the beach & flower spotting.
    Thanks for stopping in for FNwF too...xox

  3. Wow Sue, I’m always amazed at the volume of seeing you do 🤩🤩🤩

  4. Spring is such a pretty time of the year. Good progress in the sewing room and that jigsaw certainly looks a challenge. Enjoy.

  5. Love your green hexies. Wow! Your star quilt is beautifully quilted. That was all done so quickly. I need to be more disciplined lol. It is overcast here now after a lovely sunny day.

  6. Have a great walk. I've started again after a summer of swimming. Wish there were some colourful flowers around like yours. Everything is still brown here

  7. You didn't take long to sew those blocks together you cut Friday !
    Nice quilting on your Stars .
    Enjoy your puzzle..
    You do have some very scenic walks to go on.

  8. You have been very busy again. Love how Tracee quilted the quilt for you. And a jigsaw puzzle, too! Well done! Beautiful flowers in the gardens. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  9. Tracey has done a great job. Say hi for me…
    The Wasjig looks interesting

  10. You are so lucky to have that beach to walk on! I'm jealous.
    Also jealous of all the beautiful stitching you are making.

  11. Your stars quilt looks lovely. Tracee has done a great design on it. Lots of prepping too.
    such lovely flowers blooming along your walk. Love Wisteria, reminds me of my Mother in law, they had a huge one that covered their veranda. Always put on a great show.

  12. You got the top together..... Night quilting my Tracee..I always enjoy seeing where you walk too

  13. That is such a great pattern - think I need to give in and buy it this time.
    Gorgeous wisteria - not a successful plant here...

  14. As always, you have a wonderful selection of photos, your quilts are lovely and you have such a nice place for walking.

  15. That's a pretty quilt you have made and I love your stars... it's fun seeing what Tracy is doing with her quilting. Our Wisteria is all over flowering now so it's nice to enjoy the ones you have.... is yours going ok?

  16. Is that red bottle brush? It is common in India. But the picture just - the red flowers are so pretty. They look like chrysanthemums in shape although I have never encountered a red one. Bright batiks will make a lovely quilt. Jigsaw puzzle? If you have room in your house to spread out a jigsaw puzzle you must not have enough quilting projects :-D

  17. I can practically smell that wisteria! Lovely! Any day is a good day for a walk. I'd love to walk along the beach but sadly we are landlocked. Loving your hexies!

  18. Oh my goodness, Sue, you had me at "I have my feet up" until I saw the picture of the wisteria. Truly incredible! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Gosh you are a busy girl! Every time you mention Gisborne I think you are back here in NZ!

  20. You do seem to get a lot of sewing projects done, and good that you are walking, I am still only talking about the need to do so!

  21. How beautiful the wisteria is! I like Tracee's quilting on the stars, too.

  22. Oh for the flowers!! BEAUTIFUL photos! I have not done a jigsaw puzzle in years, but I love them.


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