Monday, November 27, 2023

Last One

The last KOGO rug has been finished and delivered
At the Bellarine Quilters we have made hearts to go in a card to let a group member know we are thinking of them if they are unwell or something happens to a family member. Jenny was super keen about this idea, so after a lesson on what to do and how to do it she made these
Very good for a first time I think. They have now been delivered to the group and Jenny has taken some home to work on there.
I spent some time in Geelong doing an Adventure Lab finding street art all done by women painters
I hadn't seen these before so was interesting to see some different art.

The Zygo cactus is in full flower and looks amazing
I had a walk with Beth and Finn in the week
On the way we watched a man feeding the pelicans
Finn was enjoying the sunshine
I have been working on the tea towel challenge - which has become bigger than Ben Hur!!
I am currently wrestling with it at the machine
Today I had to go to Ocean Grove for an appointment so went to have a look at the ocean
the wind was cool- there were a few brave souls in the water.
I am off to do some more wrestling
Happy stitching. 😊 


  1. That street art is amazing Sue!! Such talented people. I think the hearts are such a lovely idea - to put in a card. Jenny has done a wonderful job of them - are they vintage linens? They look like they might be. xx

  2. Another great blanket and those hearts are gorgeous, great recycling. Lovely art - amazing that people have the vision to position their work so beautifully. xx

  3. I love the way street art brightens a place. The one laying down looking at the sky is gorgeous. I understand about wrestling tea towels. I made a large tablecloth with some of Mum’s. They are quite unwieldy and somewhat stiff. Have fun with it. The hearts are a lovely thing to gift.

  4. Love the heart idea and there are some pretty ones there. Amazing street art. Finn is looking very relaxed and enjoying his "walk" by the seaside. Good luck with getting the tea towel challenge finished.

  5. Love some of that street art.....I don't think we have any in Brisbane
    A lovely gesture about the hearts and good use of what appears to be old linens.
    Don't these bubs grow!

  6. The heart gifts are a wonderful idea!

  7. Sue - thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! Love the artwork by women painters! My favorite is the second one! Hope you can enjoy some sunshine this weekend!

  8. youve had a busy week.... I do like the blanket with the stripes and the hearts that were made... a lovely idea for people..... Finn is looking great - what a lot of fun... I am always impressed with mural art - how they manage to see what they are doing at that size...


  9. More beautiful art work and sewing going on in this post.

  10. Amazing street art Sue, and Finn is growing so fast, lovely beach photo


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