Friday, February 16, 2018


is slowly getting back to normal, we came home to a beautifully clean home (many thanks Robyn and Dennis) and a very happy chowdy dog
as you can see the Supervisor is relaxing after his morning walk!!

Yesterday I did a little more  on the Christmas quilt, I hope to get back to that today

this is my progress with Doing the Rounds, all sewn down, the poor hexies looked a bit worse for wear after I had wrestled them off their card!! But they have ironed up and sewed down ok. Now to start fussy cutting the next lot of hexies.
I had a brain buster this morning and decided I needed somewhere to keep the little hexie bits once I had them cut, so I combined bits of idea I had seen around
two quilted and lined pieces of fabric that I had been going to make into a zipper pouch were zig zagged together and left over binding reironed and folded to cover the join.

zip lock bags placed along the centre, stick down with double sided tape...they are slippery little customers!!

another repurposed binding bit sewn down on the inside centre to hold everything in place
and binding sewn on..all ready to hand sew later.  it is a bit floppy but will do the job I need it to do so I am pretty happy with it.
While in NZ we met Mum while she was on an outing with some of the residents from the home, a cruise ship was in over at the Mount wharf, the idea was to have a fish and chips dinner and watch the ship leave at 6pm
serious business this fish and chips!!

Not the most flattering shot of Mum...the wind got up and the oldies got cold so they went back home, we found out later the ship didn't leave until 6.45, a bit late for everyone! One of the ladies, Willa, got into trouble for feeding the seagulls, she thought it was a great thing to do, but one of the carers discouraged her (many times) saying last time she did that several oldies went home with sea gull poop in their hair!!
Mount Maunganui from a different vantage point, there is a big cruise ship at the wharf but it is a bit hard to see.
I had a good find at the local supermarket

bags to put your fruit and veg in. Itried them out this week and apart from having to have them open so the check out person can see what is in them, they work really well and no plastic bags needed! 
I am off to do some more sewing and cutting.
Happy day.

PS. Just laid out and counted circles finished, total = 169!!
Pretty happy with that!!


  1. Nice you got some time out to have "Fush & Chups" with your mum......seagull poop in hair, how rude of those NZ birds! Do we do that to them..... no! Nice to see you are back in your quilting groove. I bet your furry supervisor missed you both.

  2. Nothing nicer than fish and chips by the water. Lovely to see your dear Mum. Great work on all your lovely projects Sue....Tupai looks very pleased to have the couch to himself xx

  3. Its always so good to be home again... are things all sorted now. Lovely to see your Mum and hopefullyshe has settled welland not got seagull poop in her hair! Love the nifty little hexie bag and those circles... don't they look great... I'm all inspired so must do some more this weekend...

  4. Nice to see your mother, even if she didn't get to stay as long. I really like that Christmas quilt - especially the bird block, that's my favorite. How clever you are to get that hexie-holder together so quickly and attractively! Thanks for the wonderful pics of kiwiland. I wish I could count on seeing it someday.

  5. it is always wonderful to come home .. and now you can do it knowing your mum is safe and looked after x

  6. Poopy seagull hair, no thanks!
    Lovely pic with your Mum, Sue... and wow wall those circles are quite a vision! x

  7. Gosh your circles are looking great - how many are you aiming to do? Looks like you had an interesting time visiting your mum on the sea shore...gulls and all :-) Nice to come home to an orderly house (I don't always!) so you can get straight back into it all! Lovely handwork too - and a great idea with the little bag.


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