Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gardening Day

Today I spent a good few hours in the garden, removing some very happy weeds! It was wonderful to spend some time in the sunshine, we had a sunshiny day yesterday but it was Guild day so I was inside all day.
Here is a little of Lisa's show and tell, the red quilt on the right is going to the St John of God hospital.

This amazing quilt was made for a newly redecorated bedroom .

This quilt made by Anna on the left, was made all by hand and from op shop shirts, aprons and blouses. Stunning.

Margaret was busy stitching

Tracee was making a very cute dragon.  Can't wait to see that finished.

Not a good photo, but the first daffodil in the garden!

Buddha is happily surrounded by purple flowers

Errol the Emu suffered a serious leg injury when a huge branch dropped off the gum tree,  both legs amputated sadly. He now sits on a tree stump, higher than before and keeps an eye on the garden.

This daisy has burst into flower

the grevillia has beautiful flowers, the bees love this one.

the back yard is looking good, even though it is winter still.

I think this is a bottle brush flower

and this is my helper (NOT) he wants back scratches and wants to sit where I am weeding. But he gets away with it because he is so cute!!

Love the late sun in the afternoon this time of the year, we get to play shadows.

This raven was cleaning its beak up in the next doors gum tree late this afternoon

and this cactus if flowering very happily. I think the possums keep knocking/eating bits off it as I find bits of leaf on the deck...they get put into water until the grow little roots and then back into a pot to make a new plant.
I have been doing some sewing. some secret for now and some preparing EPP.
But now I am off to soak in the bath with a G &T and a book!!
Have a wonderful week.


  1. Those quilts are all out of this world, wow. And I love that some are donated to hospitals etc, even better! Your garden looks wonderful, and I can imagine that the first daffodil is something very special for you, as our first flowers are here, too. Poor Emu - but you gave hime a great perch. And dogs just want to be loved and have company, nothing will change that. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. your Guild certainly gets some beautiful quilts done.... your garden looks so lovely and green. Hubz did quite a bit in the garden this weekend... tidying up mostly. So lovely to see some flowers around. Poor legless Emu but he seems happy surveying...

  3. Winter and your gardening! Winter here is snow. I'm enjoying summer.

  4. An interesting variety of photos! I love Errol a lot! Your flowers are gorgeous as are the lovely quilts.

  5. Such a lovely way to spend the day. Poor Errol! Beautiful quilts and the hand pieced one is amazing. My garden is quite neglected and the weeds are multiplying. The front looks awful. Glad you got out in the sunshine.

  6. Your garden is lovely Nice to be able to get out in it
    Sunshine makes it so much more enjoyable
    Lovely quilts
    Poor Errol

  7. Your garden is looking lovely Sue. Its been a sunny couple of days here too - had a quick trip to Mums & the weather was terrible the whole time. Great to be home to sunny winter days again. Your show & tell is always wonderful on the Guild days.

  8. Lots of beautiful work by the ladies at your Patch group....
    Lovely flowers in your garden and Errol looks good sitting on his stump....
    Bet you enjoyed you soak while reading and having a G&T..

  9. Gorgeous garden, and I love your "helper". Show and tell always looks inspiring.

  10. There is some beautiful work at your Guild. Your garden is looking lovely. You obviously have been receiving some rain down your way and the flowers are much further advanced than ours. It must have been a lovely day to be outside working in the soil.

  11. What a wonderful, newsy post. I really enjoyed seeing all the quilting and stitching going on. It's so odd to see the flowers that signal spring here being winter flowers there! What a nice lot of them you have, too. I just realized your dog is a chow, right? My aunt was a Chow Chow breeder in her middle years, and loved those dogs so much! Your cactus is called Christmas cactus here. Mine puts out the lightest of pink flowers, but never that many! I think six is the most I've had, and it bloomed at Easter instead of Christmas. LOL Yours is gorgeous and I didn't know I could root leaves in water. I will give that a try soon.


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