Friday, September 22, 2023

Here and there

 I have been visiting Finn and his family and having walks with them when we time our walks together

we have had play time at home

and watched Finn venture into eating solids!
We have had hot sunny days, some even went in swimming, a bit cold for me yet

the pelicans enjoyed the bits from the fish cleaning station, I think the pelican on the right might have been eating squid

I had a walk along the sea front in Geelong one day and enjoyed the bollards again

these two are looking a bit the worse for wear sadly

we have had some cooler and wet weather too.
Today I delivered my quilt to West Geelong for the Quilt Exhibition of the Guild starting tomorrow
the bookcase quilt is all finished.
I had a walk around and in the Botanic Gardens on the way home
Well blogger has moved these all around so they are mixed up!

back in St Leonards walking

on the walk around the Botanic Gardens the fruit bats are snoozing in the pine trees

a bit of a fuzzy zooming in photo 😀

a big old tree I liked 😀

beautiful flowers in the dry garden section

in one of the hot houses

and again

they had a kowhai tree in flower in the gardens, although it was labelled a tree from Chile, the nectar feeding birds love these flowers

part of a sculpture in the gardens, sadly I chopped it's head off!!

seed pods from an interesting tree, no seeds though

this beautiful stag fern? was in the fernery.
I am currently working on an Aussie Hero quilt, the request was for Staffordshire terriers and the ship  crest - hope he likes blue!!

the next one is for Tank Evans from Surfs Up. This requires a large applique - next weeks job!

A little progress has been made on the modern triangles, a challenge at the Bellarine Quilters

these were mostly foundation paper piecing

A little more has happened on the Daylesford quilt top

and the cropped diamonds are coming along slowly

I called in to Heights sewing centre after dropping off my quilt, I had a voucher to spend ( lucky me) and found these plus some quilting templates to have a play with

went to the bike shop and got a comfy seat for my bike ( I hope!!)

and I have started reading this book...phew are you still awake??
I am off to continue on the AH quilt.
Happy stitching.


  1. Baby Finn is growing so quickly
    Time with grandies is so precious. Love the walk around the gardens must put it in the list the next time we visit Geelong.
    Love your beautiful quilts -in progress and complete

  2. Lovely to spend time with Finn and beautiful pictures from your garden walk. Lots happening on the stitching front - great bookcase finish. Have fun with those new fabrics. xx

  3. Beautiful quilt work. Finn looks so happy. Hope the bike seat is better for you.

  4. Comfy seats for bikes are hard to find! Love all of the quilts, and the bookcase one is breathtaking. Finn is gorgeous, babies grow so quickly! And lovely landscape photos, TFS! Hugs, Valerie

  5. What a lovely variety of photos. Shows the rich life you lead

  6. Lovely post.... i have been 'planning/wanting' to do those triangles for ages... it will be fun to see the different ones made....

  7. I love the look of anticipation on Finn's face. Nice work on the bookcase quilt. Sydney Botanical Gardens also had a bat problem but they got rid of them all by using sonic sounds to move them on. You have been busy in the sewing room.

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed that book. All of hers are great. Such a lovely stroll and Finn is absolutely gorgeous! Some beautiful projects happening.

  9. That was a busy time - too many bats for my liking!

  10. So much to see and do Sue! I should have read this post before the first one, then the Surf applique would have made more sense!!! I also love your daylesford quilt - is that a Jen Kingwell one?


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